Head Start Available
The programs are free to families
that qualify.
Center-Based Programs
There are two center-based programs in Dodge
County. They are located in Beaver Dam and Fox Lake. Both of
these programs offer double sessions.
The center-based program runs Tuesday-Friday.
Morning class is from 8:30 am - 12:00 pm.
Afternoon class is from 12:00 pm - 3:30 pm.
(17 children in each class)
Home-base Dodge I - serves 12 families in the outer areas of
Dodge Co. Home-base Dodge II - Serves 12 families in and around
the Beaver Dam area.
Applications can be gotten at the Beaver Dam center
511 N. Crystal Lake Rd. - (Prairie View Elementary) or by calling
920-885-7431 ext. 113. There is no fee for families that are
income eligible.
Head Start programs provide different educational components.
The areas covered are education, nutrition, family services,
health and parent involvement. For children with special needs,
the Head Start program coordinates with the local school district
to provide cooperative educational programming.
Home-Based Programs
The home-base program is designed
to provide services to the outlying areas of Dodge County that
are unable to be bused to the center-base program. In the
Beaver Dam area, the home-base program is primarily for the 3
year olds that are not able to attend the center-base program.
(After 1 school year of the home-base program, the children in
the Beaver Dam area are then in the center-based program the
following school year.) An educator comes to the home once
a week to work with the family to assess a child's educational
needs, and then do lesson planning to provide activities that
promote the child's development. This program also covers the
education, nutrition, family services, health, and parent involvement
The Center-based and home-based programs are designed for children
3-5 years of age not attending kindergarten. Once a month, an
evening is designated as our Family and Community Together. This
evening includes a meal, family activity and parent meeting.
Early Head Start Programs
The Early Head Start program is
designed for children 0-3years of age. The staff of this program
visit the family on a weekly basis and also provide information
from the five components mentioned above. The Early Head Start
program works closely with the Family Resource Center providing
play groups and other child / family activities.
A Brief History ...
The current Head Start program
began in Beaver Dam in the basement of The Church of Christ.
This is where the current Early Head Start program is now located.
In the fall of 1999, we were invited to have a classroom at Prairie
View Elementary School (the "new" school in the Beaver
Dam school district). Our room was originally located in the
Early Learning Wing. But, as the numbers have grown at Prairie
View, we are now lcated near the multi-purpose room.
What Head Start is Like
Most children who enroll in Head
Start attend a half-day center-based program. However, some communities
may operate a full day program or provide Head Start services
through a home-based setting. In a home-based program, staff
called Home Visitors teach parents how to provide learning experiences
for their own children.
Some center-based programs offer chldren bus rides to and from
When the children arrive at the center, they are greeted warmly
by their teachers. They put whatever they have brought from home
in a place which is their own to use every day.
Classroom time includes many different activities. Some teachers
begin the day by asking the children to sit in a circle. This
encourages the children to talk about an idea or experience they
want to share with others. In some centers, the children plan
their activities. They may choose among art, playing with blocks
or table toys, science activities, dancing to music, looking
at books, or pretend housekeeping. Children can switch activities
if they prefere another challenge.
Each day, they have time to work in a small group with other
children and to play outdoors on safe playground equipment.
At lunchtime, children receive a nutritious meal and brush their
teeth. All the children are taught to wash their hands before
meals, and are encouraged to develop good personal and health
habits. If they come for an afternoon session, they also receive
a healthy snack.
Head Start offers you a sense of belonging, other support services,
and a chance to be involved in activities to help your whole
family. Head Start
can also offer assistance to parents interested in obtaining
a highschool General Equivalency Diploma (GED) or other adult
education opportunities. *If you have a family member with a
special problem, such as drug or alcohol abuse, job loss, or
other family crisis, your family can receive help through Head